Education Solutions

Bridging the Gap

Recognizing the endless possibilities that education holds, A2Z Investment Group is deeply committed to actively participating in the development and transformation of the educational landscape to make it accessible to everyone. We believe that by leveraging the power of technology, we can break down barriers and open up new avenues for learning, enabling students and educators to achieve their fullest potential. Our mission extends beyond providing innovative solutions; it's about creating environments where interactive learning thrives, and knowledge is freely accessible.









Did you know?

Alarmingly, a 2021 report by Stats SA revealed that “almost three out of 10 pupils aged 18 years (29.3%) and four out of nine (46.3%) of 19-year-olds had dropped out of school”. This high drop-out rate can be attributed mainly to poor academic performance for 21.2% of the cases.

Rosa Sommer
20th April 2023

Did you know?

South Africa has the highest teacher absenteeism rate of all SADC countries, which stood at 10% in 2017.

Lant Pritchett
29th March 2023

Did you know?

After a year of school, more than 50% of Grade 1 learners don’t know all the letters in the alphabet.

Rosa Sommer
29th March 2023

Did you know?

Grade 4 learners in South Africa have the worst reading ability in the world, with 81% incapable of reading for meaning.

Rosa Sommer
20th April 2023

Did you know?

Alarmingly, a 2021 report by Stats SA revealed that “almost three out of 10 pupils aged 18 years (29.3%) and four out of nine (46.3%) of 19-year-olds had dropped out of school”. This high drop-out rate can be attributed mainly to poor academic performance for 21.2% of the cases.

Ann Bernstein

Did you know?

The ability of technology to reduce the digital divide depends largely on everyone having the capabilities to access and use technology. Hence, enabling school learners to attain digital literacy has the potential to provide them with the necessary digital skills required, as well as improving the access to and quality of education simultaneously.

Rosa Sommer
20th April 2023

Did you know?

Alarmingly, a 2021 report by Stats SA revealed that “almost three out of 10 pupils aged 18 years (29.3%) and four out of nine (46.3%) of 19-year-olds had dropped out of school”. This high drop-out rate can be attributed mainly to poor academic performance for 21.2% of the cases.

Rosa Sommer
20th April 2023

Case Studies

We are dedicated to creating a world of impact and there is no greater way to do that than investing in our future. After impacting thousands of children's lives, we continue to strive for the betterment of their learning experience and keep their sparks burning.

Leap 3 School

In a remarkable collaborative effort, a consortium of dedicated sponsors united to erect a groundbreaking school facility for Leap 3 School, catalyzing an educational revolution in the heart of one of Johannesburg's most economically challenged townships, Alexandra, affectionately known as Alex. Our pivotal initiative extended far beyond brick and mortar – we embarked on a technological journey that would revolutionise the way students engage with knowledge. With unwavering determination, we undertook the ambitious task of implementing comprehensive connectivity across the entire school premises. This included outfitting 15 classrooms, a library, observation room, staff room, science laboratory, and a state-of-the-art computer lab, complete with 60 cutting-edge computers.

We take immense pride in announcing the triumphant completion of this monumental endeavor. The school has been seamlessly integrated into the global digital economy, effectively erasing geographical barriers and bestowing a world of information and opportunity upon its students.

The impact of this transformation is nothing short of profound. The learners who once stood on the margins of technological advancement now find themselves firmly entrenched in the digital age. By dismantling the barriers to connectivity, we have not only facilitated access to an unparalleled wealth of information but also bestowed upon these young minds the power to shape their own destinies.

The story of Leap 3 School's metamorphosis stands as a testament to what collective determination and shared vision can achieve. As we witness the newfound confidence and curiosity in the eyes of these students, we are reminded that education is not merely about textbooks and classrooms – it's about empowerment, progress, and the boundless potential that lies within each individual.

Together, we have bridged the gap between aspiration and achievement, and as we celebrate this transformative journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to making this vision a reality. The Leap 3 School project stands not just as a physical structure but as a beacon of hope, radiating the promise of a brighter future for the entire Alexandra community.

Tsakani Primary School

Tsakani Primary School in Kagiso, Krugersdorp, is dedicated to providing quality education to its students. The school's mission centers around helping pupils excel in their studies, guiding them in selecting career paths and available options, advocating for the integration of ICT to enrich the learning and teaching experience, offering support and motivation to learners with special educational requirements, and setting positive examples in speech, attire, and conduct.

An essential aspect of Tsakani Primary School's mission is to establish a nurturing atmosphere that fosters student engagement in extracurricular activities, facilitating the exploration and identification of individual talents. The school is also committed to imparting moral and ethical values to its pupils, preparing them for responsible and active adulthood as well as responsible citizenship.

During the observance of Mandela Day on July 18th, A2Z Investment Group paid a visit to Tsakani Primary School. In their computer lab, the A2Z team undertook significant improvements. They removed an aging whiteboard, refurbished the wall by plastering and repainting it. Moreover, as a generous gesture, A2Z Tech Solutions donated a cutting-edge 65" Smartboard along with a 518Wh Uninterrupted Power System (UPS) to the school.The event was organized in collaboration with the Adopt a School Foundation and the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, with the day serving as an occasion to celebrate the enduring spirit of Nelson Mandela and his commitment to education and community development.

George Cato Primary

George Cato Primary, a co-educational public school situated in the village of Cato Ridge, benefits from its picturesque country backdrop and advantageous proximity to the bustling business hubs of Pietermaritzburg and Durban. In a bid to enhance their educational environment, the school administration enlisted the expertise of A2Z Tech Solutions.

A2Z Tech Solutions was tasked with the mission of elevating the school's learning and teaching landscape. The focal point of this endeavor was the integration of smartboards into the classrooms, a move that seamlessly intertwined with the school's access to reliable internet connectivity. This strategic amalgamation not only embraced the capabilities of smartboards but also harnessed the inherent value amplified by internet accessibility.

By executing this cutting-edge installation, George Cato Primary bid farewell to outdated and cumbersome projection systems, traditional chalkboards, and conventional whiteboards, along with the archaic reliance on paper flipcharts. The transformation propelled the school along the path of evolution, positioning it firmly as a forward-looking smart digital institution.

Osizweni Science Centre

The Osizweni Science Centre is dedicated to offering structured and managed support in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to teachers and learners in historically disadvantaged communities across Mpumalanga’s Gert Sibande district.The center's comprehensive approach includes specialized professional development programs designed for teachers, as well as a range of educational resources and initiatives tailored to Grade 8 to 12 students. Emphasizing the significance of early childhood development, the center also initiates interventions at the primary school level.Established in 1991 as an initiative by Sasol, the Osizweni Science Centre has evolved from its origins as a skills development facility into a leading provincial education hub. At its core, the center aims to rectify educational imbalances in Mathematics and Science, enhance the matriculation pass rate, and nurture a new generation of accomplished individuals poised to become leaders in various industries.

We take immense pride in announcing the triumphant completion of this monumental endeavor. The school has been seamlessly integrated into the global digital economy, effectively erasing geographical barriers and bestowing a world of information and opportunity upon its students.

A notable accomplishment of the center is the establishment of a state-of-the-art technology-driven lesson broadcasting center. This innovative facility enables students from disadvantaged backgrounds and underserved schools to participate in STEM lessons led by subject matter experts. These virtual sessions are conducted outside of regular school hours, including after-school periods, evenings, weekends, and school holidays, utilizing platforms such as MS Teams. Recorded lessons are also made available to students seeking to bolster their grasp of subjects and improve their academic performance. The integration of technology has been pivotal in generating impressive outcomes across all programs. Many beneficiaries have significantly enhanced their academic achievements, affording them opportunities for tertiary education that were once hindered by poor academic results.The Osizweni Science Centre continues to play a transformative role in the realm of education, empowering learners and educators alike while shaping the landscape of STEM education in South Africa.

"In a conducive enabling environment there would be more productivity, efficiency, and collaboration; this would result in economic development and growth; through economic growth we can destroy unemployment and poverty."

Loyiso Skweyiya
A2Z Investment Group (Pty)Ltd